FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

Optimise the performance of your IT to achieve the highest return on your assets.

Personal tracking with Patent self powered solar energy
An ideal solution for crowd control and personal identification at Pilgrimage season (Hajj). It provides means to save lives and improve services at an affordable cost. Using solar tracker ID for identification of pilgrims in the holy areas during Hajj This way if a pilgrim gets sick, lost, or dies he can be easily located, identified through the solar tracker ID.

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Secure & encrypted Mobile voice communications
Is the leading provider of encrypted mobile phone voice calling through its cost-effective, easy-to-use software solutions that enable secure mobile communications wherever and whenever required. GAM 3x3 provides previously unmatched levels of security and flexibility by protecting voice traffic with strong encryption on commercial off-the-shelf smartphones. GAM 3x3 leverages the ubiquity of the mobile phone to provide the broadest reach and widest device support, allowing government departments to communicate seamlessly and securely.

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